October is Mental Health Awareness Month

Post Date - Oct 25, 2024

Roadrunner knows that a trucker’s business depends on being able to drive to make the most money. Being on the road for long hours can lead to feelings of isolation, which can negatively affect your mental health. October is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it’s a time to remind ourselves of the importance of mental health on the road. Orange & Black Has Your Back with these recommendations to combat isolation while driving.

  1. Stay connected with your friends, family, and loved ones by setting up a schedule. Roadrunner always prioritizes safety first, so remember to never drive while distracted! Schedule calls or video chats during your breaks, when you’re between pick-ups and drop-offs, or whenever is safest for you.
  2. Find an online community. Your driving schedule may make it difficult to meet in person frequently, so keep feelings of community alive online! Orange & Black Has Your Back with an online chat for our linehaul owner operators to discuss issues they face, share appreciation, and offer advice to other drivers. Other online trucking communities exist, like The Truckers Reports, Class A Drivers, and many more
  3. Listen to podcasts or audiobooks. There are a variety of podcasts and audiobooks available at your fingertips! Find something that helps pass the time enjoyably. Make sure to download them before driving through routes with bad reception.
  4. Lastly, we encourage you to speak to your healthcare provider about mental health concerns you may have. You don’t have to suffer alone. Our Roadrunner drivers have the option of using a 3rd party insurance policy to best fit your needs. Additionally, our linehaul owner operators have the support of planners who can help set up a schedule that works for you! Contact us today and submit an application. Run Smart. Run with Roadrunner.